Here is a list of successful HECtime allocations on ARCHER. Note this is a list of historical projects and is not used to notify applicants on the status of their application:
17th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - November 2020
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Tanmay A.M. Bharat | University of Oxford | Molecular Simulations of Ribosome Function in Nitrosopumilus maritimus cells: combining in situ structural biology with molecular simulations |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Understanding oligomerization requirements in different KDEL Receptors |
Ian Collinson | University of Bristol | Mechanism of ATP-driven protein transport through the bacterial secretory machinery |
Sarath Dantu | Brunel University London | Molecular dynamics simulations of Skp1-FBXO31to guide the solution state NMR experimental studies the complex |
Jonathon Essex | University of Southampton | Investigating the differences in local dynamics between MHC-I alleles on peptide selector function |
Douglas Houston | University of Edinburgh | Gaussian Accelerated Molecular Dynamics with Replica-Exchange Umbrella Sampling of Stapled Peptidomimetic Inhibitors |
Antreas Kalli | University of Leeds | Molecular dynamics simulations of T-cell receptor clustering |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | in-silico microbiology of the E. coli cell envelope: studying the behaviour of antibiotics |
Gerhard Koenig | University of Portsmouth |
Computational predictions of protein stability |
Valeria Lossasso | Science and Technology Facilities Council | Understanding the mutual interactions between water and biological membranes via the inspection of the topology of water's hydrogen bond network |
Edina Rosta | University College London | Investigating Ligand-Receptor Binding Kinetics Through Unbinding Studies |
Sarah Rouse | Imperial College London | Integrating molecular simulations and experiment to capture cardiolipin signalling in mitochondria |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | Elucidating the molecular mechanism of action of stimulant novel psychoactive substances (NPS) that target the high-affinity transporter for dopamine |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Membrane Proteins and Lipids: Comparing Simulations with Experiments |
Philip Stansfeld | University of Warwick | Oligosaccharide transport and synthesis across biological membranes |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Identification of Ligand Binding Sites and Allosteric Networks in Microbial Bile Salt Hydrolases (BSHs) |
Adrian Mulholland | University of Bristol | Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Conformation, Dynamics and Ligand Binding |
16th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - April 2020
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Mapping the influence of lipid composition to the free energy of chaperone transitions |
Jonathon Essex | University of Southampton | Modelling the structure and dynamics of miRNA |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Absolute fragment binding free energies with CV-based methods |
D. Flemming Hansen | University College London | Drug Discovery for Viral Disordered Proteins |
Jonathan Hirst | University of Nottingham | Binding energy calculations for bromodomain-inhibitor complexes through molecular dynamics simulation and free energy perturbation theory |
Douglas Houston | University of Edinburgh | Computer Aided Design via Gaussian Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Stabilised Peptidomimetic Inhibitors |
Antreas Kalli | University of Leeds | Computational studies of the Piezo1 mechanosensitive channel |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Combining biology and chemistry: towards a realistic model of the E. coli periplasm |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Membrane Proteins and Disease: Molecular Calculations and Simulations at Multiple Scales |
Philip Stansfield | University of Warwick | Molecular Mechanisms of Ion Transport |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Exploring binding cavities in the chemokine receptors (CCR4, CXCR4, CCR5 and CCR7) from computer simulations |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Identification of toxic conformations of the amyloid-β peptide |
15th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - November 2019
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Using Free Energy Calculations to Map out Binding Determinants in Receptor involved in Trafficking |
Jonathan Essex | University of Southampton | Rationalising Alternative Epitopes in Antibody-Antigen Simulations |
Philip Fowler | University of Oxford | Predicting the effect on fluoroquinolone susceptibility of three DNA gyrase mutations identified from clinical samples of tuberculosis. |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Combining Machine Learning and Metadynamics for Absolute Free Energies of Binding to Epoxide Hydrolase |
Daniel Kattnig | King's College London | Towards coarse-grained models of microbial filaments involved in motility and biofilm formation |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | The path taken by polymyxin B1 through the congested periplasmic space of E. coli |
Agnes Noy | University of York | The influence of protein-induced bent on DNA topology unveiled by atomic simulations in explicit solvent |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Identification of coevolutionary constraints for the design of protein dynamics |
Maria Carmen Romano | University of Aberdeen | Effect of Macromolecular Crowding on the tRNA-Regulated Translational Control of Genetic Expression |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Lipid interactions with membrane proteins: from characterisation to prediction |
Gabriele Sosso | Warwick University | Toward the Microscopic Understanding of Ice Formation in Biological Matter |
Phillip Stansfeld | Warwick University | Complex proteins, Complex Membranes: Simulations Alongside Structural Biology |
14th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - April 2019
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | The influence of supercoiling on DNA local structural landscape and ionic distribution |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Coarse-grained simulations of a large dataset of proteins to detect recurrent patterns of functional motions in unrelated proteins |
Antreas Kalli | University of Leeds | Computational studies of the human red blood cell Band 3 anion exchanger |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | Role of the Essential Light Chain domains in determining cardiac myosin dynamics |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Structural reasons for drug resistance of HIV integrase inhibitors |
Franca Fraternali | King's College London | Improving the description of protein-membrane interactions in the GROMOS force field |
John Christodoulou | University College London | Integrative structural biology approaches to study protein co-translational protein folding on the ribosome |
Jonathan Essex | University of Southampton | Rationalising the Limitations in Computational Antibody Design |
Maria Carmen Romano | University of Aberdeen | A multiscale modeling approach to understanding the effect of macromolecular crowding on protein translation |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Complex proteins, Complex Membranes: Simulations Alongside Structural Biology |
Martin Ulmschneider | King's College London | Molecular dynamics simulations as a tool to understand the role histidines in the periplasmic loops of Helicobacter pylori inner membrane urea channel proteins play in urea regulaton |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | Elucidating the molecular mechanism of action of stimulant novel psychoactive substances (NPS) that target the high-affinity transporter for dopamine |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Evaluating the use of absolute binding free energy alchemical free energy simulations in guiding fragment-based lead discovery |
Philip Fowler | University of Oxford | Can alchemical free energy methods predict the effect of DNA gyrase mutations on fluoroquinolone susceptibility? |
Philip Stansfeld | University of Oxford | Assembly and Dynamics of Bacterial Surface-layer Arrays |
Steve Matthews | Imperial College | Characterising the role of nanodiscs on dynamic properties of the bacterial membrane protein CsgG |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Characterisation of the interaction of bacterial outer membrane vesicles with mammalian membranes |
13th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - September 2018
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | The influence of supercoiling on DNA local structural landscape and ionic distribution |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | A molecular simulation study of the resilience of networks of coevolved residues upon mutation. |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | in silico design of cardiac myosin modulators |
Carmen Domene | University of Bath | ‘Chameleonic’ behaviour of small peptides: mechanistic studies of the micelle-induced structural transition between two ordered peptide structures |
Daniel Kattnig | University of Exeter | On the magnetic field sensitivity of lipid peroxidation: Probing into the plausibility of three-radical effects |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Design of new inhibitors for D-Ala:D:Ala ligase |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Understanding the mechanism of cryptic pocket formation at protein-protein interfaces |
Jonathan Essex | University of Southampton | The Role of Antibody Flexibility in Antigen Binding |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Characterising the loop closing mechanism in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) |
Marc Van der Kamp | University of Bristol | Development of a Generalised Protocol for Alanine Scanning TCR-pHLA interactions with MMPB/GBSA |
Maria Carmen Romano | Maria Carmen Romano | The physics of translation in the cell |
Philip Stansfeld | University of Oxford | MD simulations of the lipoprotein biogenesis pathway |
Clare Towse | University of Bradford | Conformational Propensities of Novel Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids |
Reynier Suardiaz Del Rio | University of Bristol | No Record |
12th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - April 2018
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | The influence of supercoiling on DNA local structural landscape and ionic distribution |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | A comparative molecular simulation study of the dynamics of coevolved residues in homologous proteins |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | Rescuing dilated cardiomyopathy mutations in myosin |
Carmen Domene | University of Bath | 'Chameleonic’ behaviour of small peptides: mechanistic studies of the micelle-induced structural transition between two ordered peptide structures |
Clare-Louise Towse | University of Bradford | Conformational Propensities of Novel Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids |
Daniel Kattnig | University of Exeter | Are magnetic field effects on lipid peroxidation plausible? MD to estimate coherence times in lipid peroxyl radical pairs |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Developing enhanced sampling methods to elucidate active site metal ion coordination |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Understanding the mechanism of cryptic pocket formation at protein-protein interfaces: the case of TNFa. |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Understanding allosteric regulation and allosteric ligand binding in the corticotropin releasing factor 1 receptor. |
Jonathan Doye | University of Oxford | Chiral liquid-crystal phases of supercoiled DNA plasmids |
Jonathan Essex | University of Southampton | The Role of Antibody Flexibility in Antigen Binding |
Jozef R Lewandowski | University of Warwick | Molecular dynamics to elucidate allosteric regulation in condensation domains of PKS-NPRS mega enzymes |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Exploring disorder to order transitions of MDM2 oncoprotein triggered by ligand binding |
Maria Carmen Romano | University of Aberdeen | The physics of translation in the cell |
Mario Orsi | University of West of England (UWE) | Action mechanism of antimicrobial peptide amphiphiles |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Molecular Simulations of Protein-Lipid Interactions |
Martin Ulmschneider | King's College London | Substrate binding and atomic detail transport mechanisms within the P-gp drug transport cavity |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Metadynamic metainference simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Absolute binding free energy calculations to guide development of a TRIM33 bromodomain inhibitor |
Philip Stansfeld | University of Oxford | Molecular Simulations of a bacterial S-layer |
Stephen Euston | Heriot-Watt University | Modelling Crystallisation in Triglycerides |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Substrate Permeation Across the Outer Membrane Porin of the Human Pathogen Pseudomonas Aeruginosa |
Zak Hughes | University of Bradford | Elucidating the Effect of Salt Concentration on the Structure of a DNA Aptamer |
Richard Sessions | University of Bristol | Simulations of single-chain SAGE patches |
11th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - October 2017
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | The influence of supercoiling on DNA local structural landscape and ionic distribution |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Molecular dynamics investigation of rescue mutants in HIF-2?:ARNT heterodimer |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | Modulation of myosin dynamics by Omecamtiv Mecarbil: transition to the pre-power stroke state |
Chris Lorenz | King's College London | Metadynamics simulations of permeation of 6-MAM & flurbiporofen across blood-brain barrier |
Daniel Kattnig | University of Exeter | Deciphering the magnetic sense: Spin relaxation in an animal cryptochrome |
Danilo Roccatano | University of Lincoln | Molecular Dynamics Simulations Study of Absorption Mechanism of Peptides by Polyether Block Copolymers |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Catalytic reaction mechanism of HIV-1 RNase H using free energy calculations |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Towards a computational platform for the rational design of stapled peptides |
Martin Ulmchneider | King's College London | Exploring the mechanisms of pH-gating and solute selectivity the urea channel of Helicobacter pylori |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Metadynamic metainference simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Mike Payne | University of Cambridge | Relation of disordered protein dynamics to modern water models |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Free Energy of Partial Agonists at Glycine Receptors |
10th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - April 2017
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | Predictive modelling on DNA minicircles |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | Effect of Omecamtiv Mecarbil on the dynamics of myosin mutants |
Attila Csikasz-Nagy | King's College London | Understanding the catalytic binding site of Synaptojanin |
Carmen Domene | Kings College London | Chameleonic’ behaviour of small peptides:mechanistic studies of the micelle induced structural transition between two ordered peptide structures |
Chris Lorenz | King's College London | Investigating the beginnings of material-driven fibrillogenesis |
Chris Lorenz | King's College London | Metadynamics simulations of permeation of cocaine across blood-brain barrier |
Clare-Louise Towse | University of Bradford | Probing the Conformational Impact of Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids in Peptides and Proteins |
David Huggins | University of Cambridge | Activation and Functional Selectivity in the Apelin Receptor |
Douglas Houston | University of Edinburgh | Computer Aided Design via Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Stabilised Peptidomimetic Inhibitors of the Oncoprotein Skp2 |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Mechanism of the electron transfer in the ferredoxin:ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase complex |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Targeting membrane-protein interactions and cryptic pockets in receptor kinases |
Irina Tikhonova | Queen's University Belfast | Allosteric regulation of M1 aminopeptidase from computer simulations Project duration |
Mario Orsi | UWE Bristol | Self-assembling of Elastin-like-proteins (ELPs) and Peptide Amphiphiles (PAs) |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Investigating membrane protein interactions using large scale MD simulations |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Metadynamic metainference simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | Computational Modeling and Simulation Studies of Dopamine Transporter function: de novo mutations |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Targeting a protein-protein interface in glutamate receptors for novel drugs |
Philip Fowler | University of Oxford | How reproducible are predictions of antibiotic resistance made by alchemical free energy methods? |
Phillip Stansfeld | University of Oxford | Molecular Simulations of the KATP Complex: Assessing the dynamic basis of Neonatal Diabetes |
Ricahrd Sessions | University of Bristol | Exploring the dynamics of the ACTN1 dimer |
Stephen Euston | Heriot-Watt University | Further Modelling of Structure Formation in Food Oleo-gels |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Building and Simulating the Virtual Bacterial Cell Envelope |
9th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - October 2016
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Agnes Noy | University of York | Predictive modelling on DNA minicircles for designing switchable gene-therapy vectors |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Unveiling the the role of coevolved residues in modulating the interface dynamics of PAS domain heterodimers |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University of London | Rescuing myosin dynamics |
Cait MacPhee | University of Edinbrurgh | Effect of salt on conformational sampling of an intrinsically disordered peptide |
Charlie Laughton | University of Nottingham | Advanced sampling methods for the detection of rare conformational states |
Clare-Louise Towse | University of Bradford | Probing the Structural Impact of Epimerization in Amyloid and Crystallin Proteins |
D Flemming Hansen | University College London | Developing methods to dynamic regulation in macromolecular systems: integrating NMR and MD |
David Huggins | University of Cambridge | Relative binding affinity calculations to develop inhibitors of the BPTF bromodomain |
Dmitry Nerukh | Aston University | Engineering bacteriophages for treating antimicrobial resistance using all-atom models of entire viruses |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Insights into the αC-helix dynamics in RAF Kinases |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Targeting membrane-protein interactions in the allosteric regulation of a receptor kinase (FGFR) |
Ian Collinson | University of Bristol | Protein translocation through the Sec translocon |
Irina Tikhonova | Queen's University Belfast | Predictive modelling of GPCR allosteric sites |
Jiayun Pang | University of Greenwich | Atomistic Understanding of Positive And Negative Cooperativity Within A Single Enzyme |
Jonathan Doye | University of Oxford | The chirality of DNA: From microscopic to macroscopic |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Rational control of microsecond-millisecond Cyclophilin dynamics |
Mario Orsi | UWE Bristol | Effect of hydrostatic pressure on membrane physical properties |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Characterisation of the mechanism by which ClpB mediates protein disaggregation |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Replica-averaged metadynamics simulations of α-synuclein |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | Computational Modeling and Simulation Studies of Dopamine Transporter function: de novo mutations. |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Cryo-EM refinement and dynamics investigation of Glycine Receptors |
Richard Sessions | University of Bristol | Simulation and experiments on the archaeal thermosome |
Stephen Euston | Heriot-Watt University | Modelling Structure Formation in Food Oleo-gels |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Large Scale Simulations of the Complex Cell Envelope of E. coli |
Douglas Houston | University of Edinbrugh | A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Oligomerisation of the Oncoprotein Reptin Hexamer |
8th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - April 2016
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Multiscale modelling of drug interactions and diffusion in hydrogels to improve drug delivery via microneedles. |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Understanding the role of the membrane in the allosteric regulation of a receptor kinase (FGFR) |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Replica-averaged metadynamics simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Absolute Binding Free Energy Calculations for Epigenetic Mark Readers |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | In silico approach to the assessment of stimulant properties of novel psychoactive substances |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Catalytic reaction mechanism of D-Ala:D:Ala ligase using free energy calculations |
Dmitry Nerukh | Aston University | Engineering bacteriophages for treating antimicrobial resistance using all-atom models of entire viruses |
Jonathan Essex | University of Southampton | Elastic Properties of Mixed Membranes |
Charles Laughton | University of Nottingham | MODEST.0: Molecular Origins and Dynamic Effects on the Specificity of Transcription factors – chapter.0: “Homeodomain protein-DNA complexes”. |
Mario Orsi | Queen Mary University London | Cancer cell membranes and their interaction with peptide amphiphiles |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University London | Modulation of myosin dynamics by Omecamtiv Mecarbil |
Richard Sessions | University of Bristol | Further simulations investigating the mechanism of the SecA-YEG translocon |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Investigation of the role of ARNT dynamics in the stabilization of functional PAS domain heterodimers |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Large Scale Simulations of the Outer Membrane of Gram-Negative Bacteria |
Agnes Noy | University of York | Predictive modelling on DNA minicircles for designing switchable gene-therapy vectors |
7th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - November 2015
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Understanding how ligands migrate to the buried active site of the malaria M1 aminopeptidase. |
Irina Tikhonova | Queens University Belfast | Simulations of peptide-drug conjugates to predict new vaginal microbicides |
Charles Laughton | University of Nottingham | DNA Dynamics and Multiscale Genomics |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Energy Landscapes of Protein-Lipid Interactions using High-Throughput Molecular Dynamics Simulations. |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Conservation of protein dynamics among cyclophilin isoforms: implications for rational design of isoform-selective ligands |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Accurate calculations of absolute binding free energies and enthalpy analysis of a broad-spectrum bromodomain inhibitor: Bromosporin |
Mario Orsi | Queen Mary University London | Antimicrobial peptide amphiphiles and their interaction with biomembranes |
Alessandro Pandini | Brunel University London | Analysis of the allosteric communication in HIF-2?–ARNT heterodimer |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University London | Prediction of ligand-binding hotspots of cardiac myosin |
David Huggins | University of Cambridge | Identifying and Ranking Protein Binding Sites |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Effects of oncogenic mutations on the free energy landscape of Protein Kinases. |
6th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - May 2015
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Charles Laughton | University of Nottingham | Development and application of ensemble simulation strategies for enhanced sampling and binding affinity prediction. |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Exploring the drug access pathway to P-glycoprotein |
Cait MacPhee | University of Edinburgh | Interfacial protein folding |
Mario Orsi | Queen Mary University London | Simulating the effect of lipid composition on membrane permeation |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Determining Biomembrane Organization via large MD Simulations: Viral and Bacterial Membranes |
Richard Bryce | University of Manchester | Swarm enhanced sampling in molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecular systems |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Replica-averaged metadynamics simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Jonathan Hirst | University of Nottingham | Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of bacterial pore formation by antibiotic peptides |
Damian Jefferies | University of Southampton | Understanding the uptake mechanism of a last resort antibiotic Gram-negative bacteria: polymyxin B1 in E.coli |
5th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - February 2015
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Sarah Harris | University of Leeds | Atomistic MD simulations of supercoiled DNA |
Michelle Sahai | University of Roehampton | Comparative modelling and molecular dynamics studies of the human and rat dopamine transporters and the effects of novel psychoactive drugs |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Effects of oncogenic mutations on the free energy landscape of Protein Kinases. |
David Huggins | University of Cambridge | Estimating Free-Energy Changes in Protein Folding Using a Direct Method (8.3MAUs) |
Arianna Fornili | Queen Mary University London | Molecular Dynamics simulation of a two-headed fragment of cardiac Myosin: the Off-to-On state transition and the effect of RLC tail dynamics |
Anna Croft | University of Nottingham | Radical Enzymes for Biotechnology |
Richard Sessions | University of Bristol | Further simulations of SAGES exploring conformational and encapsulation phenomena |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Mechanistic Insights and the Role of Magnesium Ions in Topoisomerase II Catalytic Reactions |
Robert Glen | University of Cambridge | Simulation and Experimental Approaches to Gain Structural Insight into Histo-blood group Binding by the E. coli Fimbrial Adhesin, FedF and A knowledge based approach into parametrising small molecule force-fields using crystallographic data |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Replica-averaged metadynamics simulations of alpha-synuclein |
Andrei Pasliakov | University of Dundee | The Mechanism of Proton Pumping in Respiratory Complex |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Absolute Binding Free Energy Calculations for Epigenetic Mark Readers |
4th HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - September 2014
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Jiayun Pang | University of Greenwich | Dynamical Control of Radical Intermediates in the Vitamin B12-Dependent Enzymes |
Sarah Harris | University of Leeds | Atomistic MD simulations of supercoiled DNA - Extension request |
Jonathan Hirst | University of Nottingham | Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of bacterial pore formation by antibiotic peptides |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Accurate calculations of absolute binding free energies and enthalpic/entropic contributions for anticancer compounds. |
Jon Essex | University of Southampton | Development of dual-resolution models for membrane proteins |
Richard Sessions | University of Bristol | Multiple simulations of surface patches from self assembling nanocages (SAGES) to elucidate the factors determining curvature and closure in these novel structures. |
Michele Vendruscolo | University of Cambridge | Conformational sampling of alpha-synuclein by means of NMR-restrained bias exchange metadynamics simulations |
John Christodoulou | University College London | The computational study of co-translational folding and misfolding on the ribosome |
Mark Sansom | University of Oxford | Big Membrane Simulations: Receptor Clustering for Signalling and Virus Interactions |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Study of the mechanism of MEK phosphorylation by RAF |
Mario Orsi | Queen Mary University of London | Atomistic simulation of mixed lipid membranes |
Christo Christov | Northumbria University at Newcastle | Atomistic Modelling conformational dynamics of enzymes |
Tatyana Karabencheva | Northumbria University at Newcastle | Molecular dynamics simulations of enzyme-ligand complexes |
3rd HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - June 2014
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Understanding the Gating of GABAA Receptors. |
Francesco Gervasio | University College London | Allosteric communication within the B-Raf dimer and the effect of inhibitors |
Agnes Noy (Sarah Harris) | University of Leeds | Atomistic MD simulations of supercoiled DNA |
Charles Laughton | University of Nottingham | Optimising peptide-based inhibitors of the TRF1-TIN2 interaction by high-throughput molecular dynamics simulation and MM-GBSA analysis. |
Marieke Schor (Cait MacPhee) | University of Edinburgh | Interfacial protein folding |
Andrei Pisliakov | University of Dundee | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Respiratory Complex I: Identifying the Proton Transfer Pathways |
2nd HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - February 2014
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Exploration of the N-terminal MDM2 lid dynamics using umbrella sampling calculations |
Edina Rosta | King's College London | Role of dimerization in the activation mechanism of RAF kinases |
1st HECBioSim ARCHER Resource Allocation Panel Successful Applications - September 2013
Applicant | Institution | Project Title |
Julien Michel | University of Edinburgh | Computer Simulations of the N-terminal MDM2- lid dynamics and the impact of ligand binding |
Philip Biggin | University of Oxford | Towards the open state of the ionotropic glutamate receptor |
Peter Bond | University of Cambridge | A Simulation and Experimental Approach to Reconstructing the Bacterial Pilus Substrate Recognition Machinery |
Martyn Winn | Science and Technologies Facilities Council | Simulations of the intra-cellular domains of EGFR |
Charles Laughton | University of Nottingham | Ensemble simulations to improve the quality of ligand-protein binding affinity calculations |
Philip Fowler | University of Oxford | Crowding and Complexity: Simulation Studies of Biologically realistic Membrane Models |
Sarah Harris | University of Leeds | Atomistic MD simulations of supercoiled DNA |
Syma Khalid | University of Southampton | Small molecule potentials of mean force through an E. coli membrane |